Presenting Without Notes – Part 2

Use some props or visual items that you have prepared Props can be used to remind you of the points that you are going to talk about. As you plan your speech, choose what props will remind you of what you are going to talk about. Each prop will trigger your memory and you will be able to relate the …

Elevator Speech

Your Elevator Speech

One of the most common times that you will have to speak in front of group is when you have to introduce yourself. This may be at a meeting, a networking event a social event or just when you bump into someone. The questions can include: So what do you do Tell us a little about yourself Let’s do self …

Use the most common questions to guide your presentation

Use the most common questions to guide your presentation Regardless of what you speak on, or your area of expertise, there will always be those 3 or 4 common questions that are frequently asked. And of course as an expert or knowledgeable person in that area, you know the answers, solutions and ways to overcome these problems. Use these 3 …

Remember the KIS principal (Keep It Simple)

Information overload, death by PowerPoint and over complicating things are common mistakes that speakers and presenters make. They bombard their audiences with information, statistics, and numerous PowerPoint slides and seem to have too many points which make it hard to find the core message. The most effective speakers and presenters use the KIS principle regularly. They limit their material to …


Previously I spoke about “owning your content and the importance of preparation and I mentioned how Sir Winston Churchill spent 1 hour preparing for every minute he spoke. There are no shortcuts in preparing an effective and powerful speech and as they say “prior preparation prevents pitifully poor performance” Mary Atkins in her book “Finding your voice: ten steps to …

Own Your Content

As a presenter or speaker, you need to own your content Sir Winston Churchill used to practise for 1 hour for every minute that he spoke, to ensure he knew his subject well, he knew all the facts and that he owned his content. Preparation is a key ingredient in effective and confident public speaking and it allows you to …