5 Tips To Prepare Your Voice Before Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

5 Tips To Prepare Your Voice Before Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

We always warm up before we run. We warm up before playing sport. And we warm up at the gym before lifting heavy weights. So why don’t we warm up our voices before we step on stage? Here are 5 tips to prepare and warm up your voice before public speaking. If you follow these, you are more likely to …

IMPROMPTU SPEAKING: How To Prepare for an unfamiliar role, covering for someone in a meeting, or acting up in a senior role

IMPROMPTU SPEAKING: How To Prepare for an unfamiliar role, covering for someone in a meeting, or acting up in a senior role.

Speaking off the cuff or impromptu can be challenging, particularly when you’re stepping into an unfamiliar role or covering for someone else in a meeting. The ability to handle such situations with confidence and competence not only enhances your professional image but also ensures the continuity and efficiency of your team’s work. Here are some strategies to effectively prepare for …

Adapting Your Presentation for Different Audiences

Adapting Your Presentation for Different Audiences by Peter Dhu

Whether you’re presenting in a boardroom, a bustling startup hub, or to a laid-back crowd in sundowner, one thing’s for sure: your audience makes all the difference. As a seasoned public speaking trainer, I have travelled all over Australia, and the time taken to tailor your presentation to suit your audience, is time well spent. 1. Understanding Your Audience You …

engage audience in an online world

Tips To Engage Your Audience In An Online World By Peter Dhu

Are your online meetings and events engaging? The RAIN Group, a sales and marketing training group recently conducted a survey on the top challenge for sellers in the new virtual and online world. The number one challenge that sellers report facing, is gaining buyers’ attention, and keeping buyers engaged virtually. It is much easier to lose buyer attention in a …

Many speakers neglect to look after the key cog in a speaking presentation - you the speaker. what do you do to fully prepare YOU for your presentation?

How Do You Prepare You Before Public Speaking? By Peter Dhu

What do you do to ensure that you, as a person, are fully prepared and ready to do a great presentation for your audience? The problem is most people do not prepare themselves well. We all know that preparation is the key to effective public speaking. And you will have heard the saying that “Prior Preparation Prevents Pathetically Poor Presentation …