What To Do If You Don’t Know The Answer To A Question

One of the common concerns around public speaking is how to handle difficult questions, and even worse, not knowing the answer to the question being asked. And this is a valid concern, as we have just shared our knowledge, our expertise and our information and yet we can not answer a question being asked on our topic. Here are some …

How To Appear More Confident When Feeling Nervous

How To Appear More Confident When Feeling Nervous

Standing up and speaking before an audience is a scary thing. Many people ask me how can I control my nerves. How can I be more confident when I am public speaking, and how to appear more confident when feeling nervous? Other people want to improve their public speaking style by presenting without notes, or by standing away from the lectern or by …

Question and Answer panel

What To Do If You Are Part Of A Question And Answer Panel

There is nothing worse than getting a difficult question, left field question or one that is a little off topic after you have presented your talk. Or is there? How about being part of a question and answer panel of experts and getting a question that you can not answer, is left field and a little off topic and you …

communication skills and public speaking

Communication Skills: A Blurry Vision Vs A Clear Vision

When we do public speaking we often try and create a vision for our audience to improve our communication skills. A vision of what we want to achieve, a vision of where we want to go or a vision of a better future.  It is this vision that will help an audience to decide to follow you, accept your way …


Passion surPasses Perfection, Polish and Poise when Public Speaking – By Peter Dhu

“Public speak with passion; Ensure your presentation is passionate; Make sure you let your passion come out”. This is all great advice as passion is one of the keys to public speaking and presentation skills. Without passion a polished and perfect presentation may fall flat and may not connect with your audience. Passion helps you to: 1. Demonstrate that you …

courageous leaders

How To Be A More Courageous Leader by Peter Dhu

We have all heard of situational leadership, authentic leadership, emotional leadership, and influential leadership. A less commonly used leadership term, but equally important, is that of courageous leadership. Courageous leadership is the area that I specialise in and fortunately courage is a trait that can be taught to all leaders. I help leaders overcome fear and be more courageous in …