Resilience in The Face of Rejection No one likes to be overlooked or rejected at job interview. As we move forward with our career plans for 2020, one of the areas that we need to build resilience around is rejection. I recently presented at the Australian Association of Social Workers, WA branch and one of the topics that came up …
Focus on One Main Topic by Peter Dhu
When public speaking and presenting, make sure that you focus on main topic or one main idea. The reality is that audiences don’t remember everything you say and to ensure they do remember what you want them to remember, focus on one main topic. The alternative, which I am sure we have all seen on occasions, is called a “scatter …
5 Reasons Why You Should Perform an Audience Audit Before Every Presentation
“Never criticize a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.” American Indian Proverb “Never speak to an audience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes” adapted by Peter Dhu An audit of your audience should be one of the first steps that you undertake when preparing to speak or present to them. This can be via research, …
5 Strategies To Help You Present Without Notes by Peter Dhu
One of the questions that I always get asked is, “how can I present a speech without notes”? This is usually achieved by doing lots of preparation, using a few simple strategies and trusting in yourself and in your ability to get your message across. It is in fact recommended that you do present without notes and speak more from the heart …
To Do an Icebreaker or Not? By Peter Dhu
We have all attended a seminar or workshop where the trainer has said “turn to the person next to you and tell them 3 things you like about yourself and 3 things that you do not like about yourself”. Or “as a group lets line up in order of distance that we have travelled today to get to this workshop …
Key Lessons Learned In 10 Years of Public Speaking By Peter Dhu
Reflecting on the first 10 years of my business as a speaker and trainer, I have identified the 4 key lessons that I had to learn the hard way. Enjoy Be yourself – this is also called authenticity. For too long, I tried to be prefect in my presentations and chastised myself when I made mistakes or realised that I …