The blame game is a situation in which one party blames others for something bad, a mistake or something unfortunate rather than attempting to seek a solution. Blame is one-sided and is not about trying to understand what happened. Unfortunately, the blame game is far too prevalent in organisations and teams today. Nobody wants to be caught out, or be …
Why We Should All Choose To Be Assertive by Violet Dhu
An essential communication skill in today’s workplace with increased pressures and ever-changing demands is the ability to be assertive. Being assertive enables you to explain yourself clearly, defend your views, stand up for others and speak your truth. Additionally, being assertive while being honest allows you to honor the rights and beliefs of others. It is important to understand that …
How Feedback Can Help You Achieve Growth by Violet Dhu
Feedback is vital to the health and culture of any organisation. When we are open to feedback, we become aware of our performance, and we learn and understand our behaviour and actions. This knowledge and awareness can help us understand and appreciate how our behaviour and performance may impact others. It is often the most powerful route to positive change …
Assertive Limit Setting, a tool to use when having difficult conversations by Violet Dhu
Difficult conversations are a normal part of our working life, especially in management or leadership positions. We need to give feedback, say no, have performance discussions and be assertive at times. And when faced with these difficult conversations, we sometimes go softly, use gentle persuasion or even avoid the conversation altogether. However, sometimes, that is not sufficient. Sometimes we need …
The Importance of Self Appreciation by Violet Dhu
One of the biggest risks for us in our workplaces is that we rely on others to give us appreciation and we depend on this external appreciation. In an ideal world, our leaders would be showing us appreciation frequently. However, the reality is this often doesn’t happen, and we can become frustrated and annoyed because of the lack of appreciation …
How To Be Your Own Best Friend By Violet Dhu
If people are our greatest asset, then we need to be in peek condition and operating at our optimum to best manage and communicate with this asset (our people). I like to use the term that we need to learn to “be our own best friend”.