Positive Thinking, Building Blocks

Stumbling Blocks Or Building Blocks

Is it a stumbling block or a building block?

Part of being successful in life and achieving our goals and potential relates to having a positive mind set. This is the way that we see things that happen to us or come across our paths to block us or interfere with what we want to do. Luckily we can choose how we view these things and I always try and put a positive spin on whatever happens to me. It is about turning those stumbling blocks into building blocks, or lemons into lemonade.

  • Beat fear with courage
  • Turn a threat into an opportunity
  • Turn mistakes into lessons
  • Use weaknesses to build strength
  • Leave nerves behind and be excited


So the next time you face a stumbling block, whatever it is, use it as a building block and move from a negative mindset to a positive mindset.

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