Use the most common questions to remind and guide your presentation
Regardless of what topic you speak on, or your area of expertise, there will always be 3 or 4 common questions that you are frequently asked. And of course as an expert or knowledgeable person in that area, you know the answers, solutions and ways to overcome these problems. Use these common questions as the 3 or 4 anchor points for your speech and then give the answers and the information needed around each question.
For example, if I was going to give a speech on the 4 most important things that you can do to increase your effectiveness as a presenter, I would say.
Learn to speak with confidence and reduce any nerves
Use a simple and effective structure
Design your core message to meet the needs of your audience
Build rapport and connect with your audience
I know these 4 questions off by heart and I know the answers, as I have been teaching them for many years. There is a simple and memorable speech structure all organised and it is easy for you to follow without the need for notes.