Public speaking is more than just the words you say. It is about connecting with your audience and building trust and being authentic. Body language plays a big role in this communication process and good body language can enhance your chance of success. Unfortunately, many people struggle with body language and unknowingly make body language mistakes that can undermine their …
Public Speaking – The Gift Of Feedback By Peter Dhu
Feedback on your presentation from a colleague, friend, mentor, coach, or boss can be a gift. The feedback allows us to become more self-aware, grow our public speaking skills, eliminate distracting traits and add those missing ingredients. Effective, honest, actionable and specific feedback is truly a gift. And specific and actionable feedback is a great tool for continuous improvement and …
Why Your Gestures Are More Important Than Your Words
A recent Harvard Business Review article in May 2019 described a research that showed that when you’re selling an idea, selling a proposal or pitching an idea, your gestures matter more than the words. This means that when we’re talking to people, trying to persuade them, our gestures are more important than the words. This result is similar to Stanford …
How To Appear More Confident When Feeling Nervous
Standing up and speaking before an audience is a scary thing. Many people ask me how can I control my nerves. How can I be more confident when I am public speaking, and how to appear more confident when feeling nervous? Other people want to improve their public speaking style by presenting without notes, or by standing away from the lectern or by …
6 Common Non-Verbal Communication Mistakes To Avoid – by Peter Dhu
In public speaking, verbal and non-verbal communications are your primary tools to help you send your message across to the audience. Your hand and eye movements, your facial expressions and the way you stand and walk all carry a significant part of your message. And it is important that our non verbal they do not send the wrong message. Here …
Working In Open Plan Offices Is Getting A Bad Rap
Working in open plan offices is getting a bad rap. They were designed to improve teamwork, increase communication and collaboration between staff. However, staff who are required to work in open plan offices report difficulties associated with noise, distracting behaviors, bad smells (Tuna sandwiches) cramped work spaces and lack of privacy. A recent survey from the University of Sydney by …