
  • Rural Remote and regional Women Network 2010
  • Belmont Small Business Awards 2010
  • WA Business News October 6, 2010
  • South West Times July 2010
  • South West Times Dec 2009 2005 ABC Radio
  • RAC Story 2004 Page 1,  and  Page 2
  • PCB Scholarship Story 2003
  • WAToday: Master the art of public speaking October 29, 2014



Peter Dhu asked to comment on Premieres body language



Left:Margaret Farrell, designedge Fashion Incubator Right: Peter Dhu, Public Speaking Dynamics (winner)

Sponsored by designedge Fashion Incubator

Karl Farrell was an inspirational Chairman of TCFWA and this special award honours his memory. The designedge Fashion Incubator is the only virtual fashion incubator in Australia. It provides a virtual shop front for more than 40 small fashion businesses currently, and 10 feature Indigenous designers and provides the opportunity for fashion designers to access business information, mentoring and small business skills workshops so they can grow their businesses in Australia and internationally. Recently designedge founder Carol Hanlon has won the opportunity to host the 3rd International Fashion Incubator conference in Perth, September 2011.

WINNER: Public Speaking Dynamics

For over 20 years, Peter Dhu has helped 1000’s of people overcome their fears of public speaking. Peter’s unique difference is that he first had to overcome his own stuttering disorder, and fear of standing up and presenting to people, before he could teach others. Peter has evolved from a chronic stutterer to a confident, motivational speaker with a message of dedication, determination, passion and ultimately success. Peter has truly turned a weakness and disability into a strength.

RADIO INTERVIEW with Spirit Radio