Mastering the Q&A: Handling Audience Questions with Poise

Mastering the Q&A: Handling Audience Questions with Poise by Peter Dhu

As a public speaking coach, I’ve worked with lots of people who can do great presentations. They are confident, look good, and have a strong message. Then the question and answer (Q & A) session comes, and they struggle, look less than confident, may avoid the question and the um’s and ah’s come creeping in. And if the questions are …

Why Be More Authentic When Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

Oscar Wilde said, “be yourself, everyone else has already been taken”. Authenticity means that your outer expression matches your inner reality. Who you are on the outside is who you are on the inside. Who you are on stage is the same person that you are off stage. You act in ways that show your true self and how you …

fake it until you make it

Fake It Until You Make It – Good Idea or Bad Idea? by Peter Dhu

We have all heard the statement “fake it until you make it”. Amy Cuddy in her famous Ted talk said “fake it until you become it. And many coaches will say “just go on stage and fake it until you make it”. So, my question then is, should we just fake it until we make it in the arena of …

Don’t Do Public Speaking – Have A Conversation

This may be one of the most powerful tools in your public speaking journey, from fear and nerves to successful and engaging public speaking – “Learn to be conversational”. One of the issues with public speaking is that people want to be perfect. They are worried about being judged and what other people will think. They feel like they need …

Multicultural People Should Not Fear Public Speaking

In my work as a public speaking trainer and coach, I work a lot with multicultural people. For many of these people, English often is their second language and one of the questions or concerns that get raised all the time is “Peter, I hate public speaking. I can’t do public speaking because I have an accent, people can’t understand …