5 Tips To Prepare Your Voice Before Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

5 Tips To Prepare Your Voice Before Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

We always warm up before we run. We warm up before playing sport. And we warm up at the gym before lifting heavy weights. So why don’t we warm up our voices before we step on stage? Here are 5 tips to prepare and warm up your voice before public speaking. If you follow these, you are more likely to …

Mastering the Art of Persuasion in Public Speaking

Mastering the Art of Persuasion in Public Speaking

Influence and persuasion are key skills in communication and leadership and are important when you are public speaking. I say to my clients “that if you are not influential when speaking, then by definition you are just being hot air”. The cost of not being persuasive and influential when public speaking can manifest in missed opportunities, diminished credibility, failed communication, …

6 Common Body Language Mistakes That People Make When Public Speaking

6 Common Body Language Mistakes That People Make When Public Speaking

Public speaking is more than just the words you say. It is about connecting with your audience and building trust and being authentic. Body language plays a big role in this communication process and good body language can enhance your chance of success. Unfortunately, many people struggle with body language and unknowingly make body language mistakes that can undermine their …

Enhancing Public Speaking 5 Practical Tips for Greater Influence

Enhancing Public Speaking: 5 Practical Tips for Greater Influence

Public speaking is an important means of communicating and demonstrating leadership. It is an important way to shape opinions, encourage change and to educate people. Being influential when public speaking is very important, because if you are not influential, no one will listen, change will not occur, education will miss the mark and an opportunity is missed. In short, your …

Confidence, The Key to Successful Public Speaking by Peter Dhu

Public speaking can be daunting, but there is a secret weapon that can make it much easier. That is confidence. When you believe in yourself and your message, it can help you be more effective and successful in your public speaking. Confidence can help you in three ways. 1. Beating Nervousness It’s normal to feel nervous when speaking in public. …

The Power of Closing the Loop: Building Trust and Credibility as a Leader by Peter Dhu

In any group or team setting, effective communication is the cornerstone of success. As a leader, speaker, or trainer, it is vital to foster an environment of trust, credibility, and reliability. One simple yet powerful practice that can transform your leadership style and enhance your professional image is the act of “closing the loop.” This means ensuring that when you …