“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist” ~ Pablo Picasso. I love this quote by Picasso and every time I read it, it reminds that before I do something completely different and go out on a limb I need a good understanding of the first principals of public speaking, audience engagement and indeed …
Share Your Struggles As Well As Your Wins – If You Wish To Be Truly Persuasive
Should you share your struggles, your weaknesses your mistakes? I was doing an online leadership course and one of the questions asked, was “should leaders reveal their weaknesses”? The majority of responses stated that good leaders must appear strong, knowledgeable, experienced and they must not show or reveal any weakness. Of course I disagreed and argued that weakness, or struggle …
Stage Fright
Stage fright, nerves, performance anxiety, whatever you want to call it – is a reality for many situations and one that most people will experience at some stage in their life as they take on challenges. It may be on the sporting big stage, performing, your wedding ceremony, a conference presentation or simply undertaking public speaking. I am not a …