The Art And Science Of Influence In Times of Uncertainty – Online Workshop Registration

$200.00 plus GST

27 May 2020, 9:00 am to 11:00 am WAST

This is an online workshop to help you develop and learn influencing skills to become a more effective communicator, leader and manager, especially in times of uncertainty.

SKU: ASIWPerth-062620-1 Category:


“Sometimes, if you want to change a man’s mind, you have to change the mind of the man next to him first.” – Megan Whalen Turner


Do you need to persuade key stakeholders? Do you need to create “buy-in” for organisational initiatives? Do you need to inspire staff to change? Do you need to build relationships and build trust?

Now more than ever, your success depends on your ability to influence and persuade others. Influencing isn’t a quick fix and the art of influencing doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but if you take the time to develop and learn influencing skills, you will be a more effective communicator, leader and manager.

Course Content

This workshop will teach you how to:

  • develop a comprehensive, tailored strategy for influencing stakeholders
  • move beyond simply ‘arguing a case’ to a more constructive, value-driven approach
  • more effectively to resistance and objections
  • structure influencing conversations in a way that is both concise and compelling
  • build their confidence to initiate and manage influencing conversations
  • develop a proactive strategy for building long-term relationships of influence
  • understand your preferred style of influencing
  • understand The 4 Sources of Influence

Learning Outcomes

  • Managing first impressions
  • Assessing the needs of your audience
  • Designing sticky messages
  • Developing a strong professional presence
  • Understand the impact of various communication styles
  • Understand the relationship between credibility and influence
  • Identify opportunities to strengthen relationships

**This online workshop can be delivered as an in-house corporate workshop. It will be customised to meet your organisational training needs and the key learning outcomes are set to match your requirements.


27may9:00 AM11:00 AMONLINE WORKSHOP: The Art And Science Of Influence In Times of Uncertainty by Peter Dhu

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