may, 2018

02may9:30 AM4:30 PMAssertive Communication Skills For The Workplace - PERTH

Event Details

“In business you can never learn anything more important than communication” – Max Markson

A common pattern in people’s communication is the lack of awareness and capacity to be assertive. Do you find it difficult to be assertive? Do you find it difficult to say no? Does this result in conflict in your relationships or workplace?

Assertive communication will help you reduce workplace conflict, assist you with the skills to speak up at meetings and deal with difficult conversations. In turn these skills will assist with strengthening you’re self-esteem and reducing your anxiety.

This is workshop designed to help people to communicate assertively and to be comfortable with assertiveness and speaking up confidently.

Download Registration Flier Here



(Wednesday) 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM WST


Pilbara Room, State Library of Western Australia

25 Francis Street, Perth 6000
