A New Perspective on Resilience

A New Perspective on Resilience by Sam Dhu

Resilience is a hot topic at the moment and understandably so. In a world where our work is becoming more complex, where burnout is dramatically on the rise and our relationship with technology is becoming more and more fraught with issues, it makes sense that the leaders of the world are looking to make sure that they are taking care of themselves and their teams.

We need to be careful to make sure that resilience workshops are not just another bandaid on deeper organisational and systemic issues. It’s not possible to work on resilience without also working on creating psychological safety within the workplace.

After all, what is the point of building resilience in individuals if we are going to then send them back into the stressful and at times toxic work environment, an environment where they potentially don’t feel seen or valued or safe to express themselves.

What I know to be true is that we need to work both on resilience AND psychological safety. To resource our leaders and our teams from within whilst also changing the systems that cause the stress in the first place.

We need psychological safety to achieve excellence but it takes courage to stay compassionate and curious with ourselves. If leaders don’t succeed at this in their own relationship to themselves, it’s impossible for them to create psychological safety throughout their teams.

If you want to explore the concept of resilience AND psychological safety and how they can go hand in hand you can find out more about Sam’s workshop here.

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